A product of a global pandemic etching deep scars in the world around her, Downey found sudden strength in a time of unfathomable crisis. Growing up on the outskirts of Glasgow, the music-obsessed 21-year-old references Amy Winehouse, The Specials, Dolly Parton and more.
A simple, petrifying leap into the unknown came in the form of Once, a short and simple enough cover ofLiam Gallagher’s 2019 single, posted to Twitter during the midst of collective cardiac arrest of Britain’s lockdown, Downey’s naivety poured out as strength. Follow up videos included covers of songs by The Coral, Nat King Cole and Arctic Monkeys drawing ever-increasing shouts of acclaim, cutting a feminine swathe through the male-dominated guitar band scene.
Within twelve months of posting that first video came a record deal, recording sessions with The Coral’s front man and respected producer, James Skelly and the backing of BBC Radio 2. With songs like Fuel To The Flame and Stand My Ground, the growing artist makes her first, big statements. They are her gentle way of raising a middle finger; country-indie lullabies with bite, sent to listeners from the equally beautiful and brutally honest heart of Scotland.
This Blood Records release of her debut EP comes signed by Rianne and hand-numbered on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note that Blood Records is a pre-ordering platform and this record is due for release on August 15th. All images for illustrative purposes.